Newsletter #3 – 2016
29. January 2016 #EndCoal goes mainstream. The pro-industry climate lobbyist of Agora Energiewende (eng. “Agora Energy Transition”) have come up with a well-received plan to phase-out until 2040. Our dear politicians reacted with the usual jobs-energysecurity-blurb. What they did not mentioned: Half of the electricity generated from lignite is exported and thereby effectively undermines the construction of a sustainable pan-european energy system. Orwellian Newspeak wherever you look: “We have to protect Jobs” means “No decent work for you” and “Security is our primary concern” means “Let's not rush to leave the burning house”. And, as always, Corporate-Politics bows to the logic of the capitalist system. In our situation, not to mess with the status quo is the ultimate irresponsibility. It is capitalism that has brought us Climate Change and more of the same will not prevent the unfolding catastrophe; green growth is a chimera. They promise 1.5-degrees and continue business-as-usual. We take their words, and do what has to be done: Climate Justice remains up to Us. Continue reading ...