Preparing Ende Gelände: 200 people join in

Last weekend, a big preparatory session for the upcoming action in May took place in Berlin. Roughly 200 activists from about 15 countries attended. Among them were many who took part in the preparations for the very first time – a warm welcome to you all!

Last weekend, a big preparatory session for the upcoming action in May took place in Berlin. Roughly 200 activists from about 15 countries attended. Among them were many who took part in the preparations for the very first time – a warm welcome to you all!

The meeting’s central concern was the action consensus that now includes the following points:

We shall be calm and peaceful at all times during the action. We will neither escalate the situation nor put any person in danger. We will block and occupy the infrastructure with the help of our bodies, but not damage or destroy it. We will seep through police lines and not let us be provoked by any police(wo)man or security worker.

Diversity, creativity and openness are part and parcel of our action. Our action is not aimed at Vattenfall’s workforce or the police.

That all people involved should be safe and secure at all times is our highest priority. We will meticulously prepare the action, including the way towards and into the pit.

Besides, the different working groups introduced newcomers to the process and continued to plan for the next three months.

With so many people involved in the preparations, we are looking foward to finally entering the pit!


++ Ende Gelände finishes successful action weekend ++ “The climate justice movement is growing and is internationally stronger than ever!” ++

1. August 2021 Ende Gelände has declared the action weekend for climate justice finished today. More than 2,000 activists participated in blockades at ChemCoast Park near Brunsbüttel. In wind and weather, the activists blocked the railroad tracks to the ChemCoast Park at important points. The blockades were maintained until Sunday. On Saturday, activists with canoes brought shipping on the Kiel Canal to a complete standstill for more than two hours. Ships were jammed on one of the most important waterways in the world. Continue reading ...