Camp Reloaded

The new Camp is online! We are 5km south of Düren. Come to Stepprath at Stockheimer Landstraße 171, at the Neuer Hof. We are able to host 4000 people. Together we can start from here to block RWE infrastructure and EndCoal

The new Camp is online!

  1. Where we are
  2. Don’t forget
  3. Having Fun

Where we are

We are able to host 4000 people. Together we can start from here to block RWE infrastructure and EndCoal

Stepprath at Stockheimer Landstraße 171, at the Neuer Hof


Coordinates: 50°46’37.7″N 6°31’07.4″E

Traveling by train:

  • Train up to Düren Station
  • Change to Bus SB 98 Direction Euskirchen ([ timetable ])
    or Bus 231 Direction Schleiden ([ timetable ])
  • Leave at: Düren-Schneiders
  • Alternativ from Düren by foot (ca. 1 1/2 hrs.)

Don’t forget

This time the Action is planned for 1,5 days. So take warm sleeping packs, sleeping pads and a second Pullover! More infos on the Packinglist:

Attention! Because of the dry summer standing at the pit edges is extremly dangerous. Please follow the team leaders that know secure trails.

Having fun


++ Ende Gelände finishes successful action weekend ++ “The climate justice movement is growing and is internationally stronger than ever!” ++

1. August 2021 Ende Gelände has declared the action weekend for climate justice finished today. More than 2,000 activists participated in blockades at ChemCoast Park near Brunsbüttel. In wind and weather, the activists blocked the railroad tracks to the ChemCoast Park at important points. The blockades were maintained until Sunday. On Saturday, activists with canoes brought shipping on the Kiel Canal to a complete standstill for more than two hours. Ships were jammed on one of the most important waterways in the world. Continue reading ...