May the hot summer begin!

3. June 2017 Dear climate justice activists, may the hot summer begin! A week from now, the Ende Gelände alliance will meet in Berlin to continue planning this year's actions in the Rhineland in August and November. Continue reading ...


1. June 2017 To our friends from Ende Gelaende, We have heard that you, who have inspired so many of us in Europe and beyond, have decided to extend your powerful campaign against your country’s obscene and unjust attachment to lignite, the dirtiest of all the fossil fuels, by taking action to shut down a coal mine during the COP23 in Bonn. We hope that the action may turn out to be as large and powerful and inspirational as the last ones and pledge that we will do what we can to either join you in the pit(s), or help spread your story from wherever we are. Continue reading ...

Ultimatum to RWE

4. May 2017 EndeGelände issues an ultimatum to RWE on phasing out coal! RWE has until August 2017 to close its open-cast mines, turn off its power stations and stop coal-based power generation. If this date passes without action we will do it. Continue reading ...

Newsletter #15: Share this news

31. March 2017 The climate crisis is getting ever more serious. 2016 was also one of the hottest years since records began. The fight back starts now. We’re fighting against politicians who sing to Trump’s climate-denying tune all too easily and simply agreed to remove climate from the G20 agenda. Against Merkel who has delayed the coal phase-out and stands for a policy of saying nice things about the energy transition while at the same time blocking it. Against LEAG, RWE and MIBRAG who are unscrupulously trying to escalate the climate crisis further so that they can profit from it. We don’t think it’s normal that in Germany in 2017 people are being expelled from their homes to make way for expanded mines. Continue reading ...