Press release on 31.07.2021 at 9:00 a.m.

++ Mass action for climate justice launched in Brunsbüttel ++ Thousands set out to initiate immediate gas phase-out ++

Brunsbüttel, 07/31/2021.

More than 2.000 climate activists of the action alliance Ende Gelände are starting today from the climate camp in Brunsbüttel. The first group is just leaving. Their protests are directed against a planned fracking gas terminal in the industrial park “ChemCoast”.

Joli Schröter, press spokesperson for Ende Gelände, explains:

“The climate crisis is already reality. Whoever is still planning a fracking gas terminal in ChemCoast Park is playing with fire. Gas is an accelerant of the climate crisis. And fracking poisons soils and drinking water. In ChemCoast Park, the who & who of fossil capitalism has come together to form the largest industrial park in Schleswig-Holstein. It stands for all that is wrong: Destructive energy for dirty industries with no future.”

Elia Nejem, also a spokesperson for Ende Gelände, adds:

“We are the investment risk. If politicians and corporations want to pull up a fracked gas terminal in the middle of the escalating climate crisis, we are driving up their costs. We’re already starting today. We will continue until the project is stopped and the immediate gas phase-out is implemented. There will be no return on investment with this fracked gas terminal.”

For the weekend, Ende Gelände has announced actions against the expansion of gas infrastructure. With the protests, in which international activists are  participating as well, the alliance also wants to scandalize neocolonial structures. Fracking is restricted in Germany and Europe, while the very environmentally harmful technology is used by German and European corporations in the countries of the Global South. Ende Gelände is therefore this year part of the international day of action of the alliance “Shale Must Fall” against fossil gas expansion, fracking and colonialism. There will be simultaneous actions in several countries of the Global South and North.

Contact details

Ronja Weil: +49 163 681 17 76 (English-language inquiries only)

Joli Schröter: +49 151 413 745 27 (only German)

Elia Nejem: +49 177 967 68 05 (only German)

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