Travel by Bus and Special Train

For the first time in the history of Ende Gelände there will be a special train

Special Train

The train will start in Prague and will have stopovers in Dresden , Leipzig, Berlin and Hannover with the ulitmate destination in Cologne or a train station nearby. The train will leave on Thursday, 25th of October in the afternoon from Prague and will arrive in the Rhineland early on Friday. The train will travel back on the same route on Sunday evening .If you do not live in the mentioned cities, but it is easy for you to reach them via public transportation it is also great to join in, because the train ride itself will be a great adventure and a unique experience. Especially all those people who live in Halle, Jena, Potsdam, Göttingen, Magdeburg, Lüneburg, Oldenburg or Bremen should think about joining the train. And generally people from Czech Republic, Saxony, Brandenburg, Saxony-Anhalt and Lower Saxony.

You can find information, including a map, about organized busses and the special train from Prague here .


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